
This blog is a collection of posts by the lab. It is intended to keep you abreast of our research. If you’d like a weekly dose of insight on the biodiversity-climate nexus and water resource management, please sign up to Jono’s newsletter ‘Predirections’. It’s a mix of science (including some of our own), policy and personal reflections on the state of the world, with a focus on solutions. It’s a great way to keep up to date with the latest research and thinking in the field. You can sign up here or enter your email below.

To give you an idea here’s a list of recent posts:
Can ecological forecasts help us in our fight to bend the curve of biodiversity loss?
Rules for reforestation
On science and activism: can we be truly objective as scientists?
To address grand challenges, we need transdisciplinarity, but what actually is it?
Diversifying research for greater impact
Should we just plant trees everywhere to fix climate change?
Stepping out of the academic echo chamber
We should think like the Stoics
The search for win-win biodiversity-climate solutions

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